I can hear you now: "Whaaaa? Cars and a bus and some animals? Huh?"
Also, the first thing you should know about my felts is they are frequently not to scale. Look - I got the colours right. Bite me already. Besides, the giant bunny makes me laugh.
I like to combine Ye Olde Traditional Transportation-themed storytime with The Seals on the Bus. Some other favourite stories are on my LibraryThing here.
My advice re. Seals: do the animals from the book, and then let them pick others to do using the felts you have and just using improv: they love the interactivity of that. Save something quiet for the end, though, like the bunnies; otherwise you will have a room-full of hyperactive children and no script left. Oh, and be sure to plug your nose for the skunk.
Here are some songs for you.
Windshield Wiper (tune: “I’m a little teapot”)
I’m a windshield wiper,
Watch me wipe
First on the left side,
Then on the right.
I just love to wipe, and wipe and wipe.
I can wipe all day and night.
Old MacDonald’s Truck (tune: “Old MacDonald had a farm”)
Old MacDonald had a truck, E-I-E-I-O.
And into town he drove his truck, E-I-E-I-O.
With a bump, bump here,
And a bump, bump there,
Here a bump, there a bump.
Old MacDonald had a truck, E-I-E-I-O.
Old MacDonald had a truck, E-I-E-I-O.
And into town he drove his truck, E-I-E-I-O.
With a beep, beep here,
And a beep, beep there,
Here a beep, there a beep.
Old MacDonald had a truck, E-I-E-I-O.
Old MacDonald had a truck, E-I-E-I-O.
And into town he drove his truck, E-I-E-I-O.
With a vroom, vroom here,
And a vroom, vroom there,
Here a vroom, there a vroom.
Old MacDonald had a truck, E-I-E-I-O.
The Wheels on the Bus is an obvious choice. Here is a French version:
Les roues de l'autobus
Les roues de l'autobus roulent, roulent
Roulent, roulent, roulent, roulent
Les roues de l'autobus roulent, roulent
Toute la journée.
Le consucteur de l'autobus dit: "À l'arrière”…
Les essuie-glaces de l'autobus font swish, swish, swish…
La porte de l’autobus ouvre et ferme…
La monnaie dans l’autobus fait, clinc, clinc, clinc…
Les bébés dans l’autobus font wouah, wouah, wouah…
Les gens dans l’autobus font shh, shh, shh….
Les parents dans l’autobus disent je t’aime, je t’aime, je t’aime…
Le klaxon de l'autobus fait tut, tut, tut…
Les passagers de l'autobus font bomp, bomp, bomp…
Le consucteur de l'autobus dit: "Au revoir”…
Seals On The Bus
The seals on the bus go errp, errp, errp, …
The tigers on the bus go roar, roar, roar, …
The geese on the bus go honk, honk, honk, …
The ducks on the bus go quack, quack, quack, ….
The rabbits on the bus go up and down, up and down, …
The monkeys on the bus go eeeh, eeeh, eeeh, …
The vipers on the bus go hiss, hiss, hiss, …
The sheep on the bus go baah, baah, baah, …
The skunks on the bus go ssss, ssss, ssss, ….
The people on the bus go help, help, help, …
And if you're really desperate to entertain the little squirmy worms for awhile, embark on this one...
The Wheels on the Racecar
The wheels on the racecar go round and round,
Round and round, round and round,
The wheels on the racecar go round and round,
All around the track.
The engine in the racecar goes vroom-vroom-vroom,
Vroom-vroom-vroom, vroom-vroom-vroom,
The engine in the racecar goes vroom-vroom-vroom,
All around the track.
The driver in the racecar yells “Go-Go-Go!”
“Go-Go-Go!” “Go-Go-Go!”
The driver in the racecar yells “Go-Go-Go!”
All around the track.
The racecar on the track goes zip-zip-zip
Zip-zip-zip, zip-zip-zip
The racecar on the track goes zip-zip-zip
All around the track.
The driver in the racecar steers and steers,
Steers and steers, steers and steers,
The driver in the racecar steers and steers,
All around the track.
The racecar mechanics go zizz-zizz-zizz,
Zizz-zizz-zizz, zizz-zizz-zizz,
The racecar mechanics go zizz-zizz-zizz,
All around the track.
The gas from the gas can goes GLUG-GLUG-GLUG,
The gas from the gas can goes GLUG-GLUG-GLUG,
All around the track.
The driver in the racecar speeds on back,
Speeds on back, speeds on back,
The driver in the racecar speeds on back,
All around the track.
The driver in the racecar makes his move,
Makes his move, makes his move,
The driver in the racecar makes his move,
All around the track.
The driver in the racecar zooms to the lead,
Zooms to the lead, zooms to the lead,
The driver in the racecar zooms to the lead,
All around the track.
The checkered flag goes swish-swish-swish,
Swish-swish-swish, swish-swish-swish,
The checkered flag goes swish-swish-swish,
All around the track.
The wheels on the racecar go round and round,
Round and round, round and round,
The wheels on the racecar go round and round,
All around the track.