Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Annoyed Librarian hits the nail on the head, again

Sometimes I worry that I agree with her quite a bit... Am I going to become ranty and jaded and drink martinis?

Anyway, today, she's on about library school education and professional standards. Conclusions: "Instead of letting in anyone who wants a degree and can get the money together, library schools should be toughening their standards. Not more, but fewer and better students. Raise the GPA requirement [....] Make the students take more rigorous classes. Make everyone write a thesis [....] Make it a serious accomplishment. This would improve the profession. It would improve the standards of librarianship. It would improve the service to library patrons. The only thing it wouldn't improve is the bottom line of library schools."

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I would have totally flunked out (or never gotten in) if this is how it was "back in the day" :-)
