Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Laptop, 2.0

Yesterday, I purchased my 2nd ever computer, another laptop, this time a Mac. So, that marks a few milestones: now I'm a Mac user, for one thing, and I have entered the modern world, so to speak, since my last laptop was ancient (2001) and had nothing remotely useful (no CD-R burner, no DVD player, no USB 2 ports, no wireless card, no webcam... shall I keep going? I can hear some of you screaming).

Nevertheless, I confess I am sad to see the little Fujitsu Lifebook go (the Mac help guy says I should have named her. His MacBook is called Sassafraz....). She got me through undergrad (and two B.A. Honours theses: one about E. M. Forster - mine - and the better part of one about P. K. Page - Kaya's... Hey, K, we both wrote about people who used their first two initials. Henceforth, we should be known as A. J. Yarrow and K. A. Fraser). Then. she got me through my M.L.I.S. and my first two professional jobs. I confess that since moving to Ottawa, I had largely already abandoned her in favour of the Husband's laptop, and merely hung out with her when updating iTunes and cursing her inability to read from the external USB 2 port we bought for her.

And yet... When I dropped her off today, along with the new Mac, so that the nice Mac people could so some file transfer, I felt like I was sending my firstborn off to Kindergarten. Um, I guess that analogy only works if Kindergarten is where they empty your brain of all info and send you out to pasture? Scrap that. Anyway, the point is it was bittersweet. I teared up.

Currently reading: Dragon Seer by Janet McNaughton (for 2010 CLA BOYA award). Not bad, so far.


  1. Ah yes, I remember that little Fujitsu well; if it weren't for your lending it to me, and the hours I spent with it in the storytime room at the library, I would never have gotten that damn thing done!

    Did they give you a free iPod with your new toy?

  2. Evan bought a MacBook last year. It is great. I use it all the time. ha ha

    My desktop PC is on its last legs (actually, one foot is in the grave) and I keep thinking about replacing it with a Mac.
