On the front burners, requiring constant stirring:
- Replacing our most aged Bookmobile with a new unit (12-18 months delivery time) and hopefully also ordering a new customer van via 2014 budget
- Other Bookmobile Service Review-related stuff
- Some new options for library customers with disabilities
- Team-building
- 2014 project planning
- Staffing: recruitment, training, retention!
- Bookmobile outreach: LEGO at Bayshore (photos!), the pop-up at City Hall which reached over 200 people this summer, our "Win a Ride on the Bookmobile" prize to celebrate Summer Reading Club and our 60th birthday year: we picked young Rebecca up from school with the bus, drove her around the Experimental Farm, and took her for ice cream... A good time was had by all!
- A developing/deepening partnership with Frontier College in coordinating homework clubs and conversation groups at the library
- Working with the City, who recently launched the amazing City of Ottawa Immigration Portal
- Launching, along with other City depts and teams, a new online volunteer database later this month (which meant I spent my summer re-writing all our related policies and procedures. A great job done but time-consuming and nit-picky).
- Library of the Future Project: Imagine Campaign (see preliminary report here). My lovely Newcomer Services team helped OPL colleagues collect focus group feedback for the campaign from newcomers and groups serving newcomers this fall.
- Attending special events for outreach, such as our recent booth at the CNIB Technology and Services Exhibit.
- Thinking about things in new ways: we recently hosted Volunteer Fairs at OPL branches: the inspiration for these events came out of the recent IMAGINE campaign at OPL. We're also adding some readers' advisory to our brochure for Newcomer Services.
See, kids? This is why I haven't blogged a lot about work. For one thing, you probably find this really boring! For another, so much is ..... un-publishable!
I'm still having an amazing time in the new role: it's fulfilling, demanding, exhausting, and endlessly rewarding. It puts me to bed by 10pm and saps my weekend energy, but that could just be a "Year 1" phenomenon.
'Cause it's not like I'm getting any younger!